
Interact & Collaborate

Create an environment for volunteers to gather and engage to conduct WQA business and move both the association and the industry forward.

It’s all About Networking

Offer WQA Members a networking setting to develop business opportunities and make connections to exceed at the next level. What better place to share your ideas, get valuable feedback and connect with relevant people and come together to move the industry forward.

Even if you’ve never attended a WQA event before, this is the ideal opportunity to meet new friends and learn more about WQA.

Provide Opportunities For WQRF Fundraising

Create an environment for volunteers to gather and engage to conduct WQRF business and move both the foundation and the industry forward.

Your donation raises professional excellence and enables the foundation to continue its important mission to fund, publish, and distribute in-depth, high quality, independent research relevant to Water Quality Research.

What’s the ROI?

You can have a greater impact in the industry through collaboration and connecting to others at gatherings like this. You have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of current and potential government activity that directly impact the water industry. Learn first-hand about emerging technologies. 

Empower yourself, your business, and others. This isn’t just for volunteers or board members. It’s for anyone involved in the water industry who wants a deeper knowledge and greater  control of what affects their business. 

Registration Fees

The Mid-Year Leadership Conference is always a great way to connect and reconnect with friends and peers in the water industry. Relax and engage in the beautiful setting of Lake Tahoe September 19-21, 2023. 

WQA Members




WQRF Golf Outing

(Club rental: $75)


WQRF Benefit Dinner Experience


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